All are welcome here, regardless of personal history, background, race, age, orientation, etc.. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Newman Catholic Ministry!
In addition to formal offerings, Fr. David and Deacon Frank are available to students, faculty and staff of any of the colleges in our diocese who are seeking spiritual direction or guidance.
The Office for Campus Ministry of the Diocese of Fall River exists to help students, faculty and staff of institutions of higher education within the Diocese to form a Catholic community on campus, live and learn the Catholic faith and put faith into action through service to others.
Director of Campus Ministry
Diocese of Fall River
Mobile: 774-205-4378
Campus Minister
Mobile: 508-454-6618
“They devoted themselves to the teaching of theapostle sand to the communal Life, to the breaking of the bread and to the Prayers” (Acts 2:42)
More InfoNewman Catholic Ministry
St Mary’s Parish
789 Dartmouth Street
South Dartmouth, MA 02747
359 Old Westport Road
P.O. Box 70737
North Dartmouth, Ma 02747 `
Fr. David Frederici -
Dcn Frank Lucca - dcnfrank@newmancatholicministry. org
Father David - 774-202-3047
Deacon Frank - 508 454 6618